C-19 Reflection #63: The Voice

C~19 Daily Reflection (#63)


Theme: The Voice



 Hymns are for singing, but they can also serve as important sources of reading, reflecting and praying. You can always do all of the above, remembering that to sing is to pray twice! We shouldn’t really be found singing for singing sake, but instead we should receive hymns for the way they help us explore and express our faith.

 This hymn is either suggesting something audacious or simply encouraging us with a normal expectation of the Christian life. In these days, when we are being barraged with so many different voices, I trust you have been trying to listen to the “voice.”


Sometimes we sing through the words of songs too quickly and mindlessly. As you take your time reading and meditating on the words below, you will notice a richness emerge. Listen for a word or phrase that stands out and let that word stick to you. It’s okay if there is more than one thing that springs forward. Try to stay close to that word (words) or phrase during the day, mulling it over as you go, using it to shape your prayer and guide your day.

1 I heard the voice of Jesus say,

"Come unto me and rest;

lay down, O weary one, lay down

your head upon my breast."

I came to Jesus as I was,

weary and worn and sad;

I found in him a resting place,

and he has made me glad.


2 I heard the voice of Jesus say,

"Behold, I freely give

the living water; thirsty one,

stoop down and drink, and live."

I came to Jesus, and I drank

of that life-giving stream;

my thirst was quenched, my soul revived,

and now I live in him.


3 I heard the voice of Jesus say,

"I am this dark world's Light;

look unto me, your morn shall rise,

and all your days be bright."

I looked to Jesus and I found

in him my Star, my Sun;

and in that light of life I'll walk,

'til trav'ling days are done.





1. Do you see yourself anywhere in this song?          


2. What have you learned about listening for the voice during these unusual days?


3. What has Jesus been saying to you during this pandemic season?    


4. What are you sensing Jesus is saying to the church during this unusual season?


C-19 Reflection #64: Spiritual Formation as House building


C-19 Reflection #62: Vision