C-19 Reflection #13: Holy Wednesday - The Divine Conversation

C-19 Daily Reflections (#13)

 Holy Wednesday

 Theme: The Divine Conversation

 Scripture Reading: Various (*The Seven Last Words of Jesus)




This Friday we are going to meet virtually for our Good Friday service, a service of the cross. One unique way that the Christian church explores the meaning of the cross is by reflecting on Jesus’ own words during his crucifixion. We believe that Jesus is the revelation of who God is, and so we press into these words to listen closely in order to gain a fresh appreciation of God’s ways in the world.


Christians never feel bored with these words, nor do we ever feel like we have a complete understanding. So we come back again and again in our worship, reflection and in our prayer. I have included them again this morning and encourage you to work your way through them as you prepare for our Friday worship. I hope that as you reflect on Jesus’ words that God will reveal his heart to you in new transforming ways and that you will find both understanding and encouragement.


One way to engage with Jesus’ words is to pray through each saying slowly and notice the picture of God that emerges for you.


Ask yourself as you read: Is there anything you notice for the first time? Is there a word that you find yourself drawn to and want to dwell on? Is there something you really struggle with in these words? Are there interconnections that you notice? What emotions do these words give rise to in you?


Timothy Radcliffe helps to express the significance of these words in the bigger picture of our faith:


"Seven last words ... they begin with words addressed to the Father, find their center in a cry at the absence of that Father, and return to address Him again at the end.  The words that Jesus addresses to us are held within that relationship with his Father, just as it is there that we shall find our home, within the life of the Trinity.  We nestle within that divine conversation."




The First Word: “Father, forgive them….” (Luke 23:32-34)


The Second Word: “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:39-43)


The Third Word: “Here is your son…. Here is your mother.” (John 19:25-27)


The Fourth Word: “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:45-46)


The Fifth Word: “I am thirsty.” (John 19:28)


The Sixth Word: “It is finished.” (John 19:29-30)


The Seventh Word: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke23:44-46)


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